Genus Oscivirus

Genus Oscivirus presently comprises 1 species, Oscivirus A with 2 types.

Genome layout: VPg-5'UTRIRES-V[L-1AB-1C-1D/2A-2B-2Chel/3A-3BVPg- 3Cpro-3Dpol]3'UTR-poly(A)

There are 6 GenBank entries (as of 22 October 2018) !





Acc. No.


Oscivirus A


oscivirus A1 [turdivirus 2] strain 10717
(magpie robin/Hong Kong/2006)

7641 nt


Woo et al. 2010. Comparative analysis of six genome sequences of three novel picornaviruses, turdiviruses 1, 2 and 3, in dead wild birds, and proposal of two novel genera, Orthoturdivirus and Paraturdivirus, in the family Picornaviridae. J. Gen. Virol. 91(PT 10):2433-2448.


Woo et al. 2010. Comparative analysis of six genome sequences of three novel picornaviruses, turdiviruses 1, 2 and 3, in dead wild birds, and proposal of two novel genera, Orthoturdivirus and Paraturdivirus, in the family Picornaviridae. J. Gen. Virol. 91(PT 10):2433-2448.


oscivirus A1 [turdivirus 2] strain 007167
(oriental magpie robin/Hong Kong/2007)

7678 nt


Woo et al. 2010. Comparative analysis of six genome sequences of three novel picornaviruses, turdiviruses 1, 2 and 3, in dead wild birds, and proposal of two novel genera, Orthoturdivirus and Paraturdivirus, in the family Picornaviridae. J Virol 91(10):2433-2448.


oscivirus A2 [turdivirus 3] strain 10878
(grey-backed thrush/Hong Kong/2006)

7678 nt


Woo et al. 2010. Comparative analysis of six genome sequences of three novel picornaviruses, turdiviruses 1, 2 and 3, in dead wild birds, and proposal of two novel genera, Orthoturdivirus and Paraturdivirus, in the family Picornaviridae. J Virol 91(10):2433-2448.


Woo et al. 2010. Comparative analysis of six genome sequences of three novel picornaviruses, turdiviruses 1, 2 and 3, in dead wild birds, and proposal of two novel genera, Orthoturdivirus and Paraturdivirus, in the family Picornaviridae. J Virol 91(10):2433-2448.


oscivirus A2 [turdivirus 3] strain 00742
(grey-backed thrush/Hong Kong/2007)

7678 nt


Woo et al. 2010. Comparative analysis of six genome sequences of three novel picornaviruses, turdiviruses 1, 2 and 3, in dead wild birds, and proposal of two novel genera, Orthoturdivirus and Paraturdivirus, in the family Picornaviridae. J Virol 91(10):2433-2448.
